Poor blood circulation can result in spider veins, so you may have looked to the internet for relief or quick cures. Some of Dr. Google’s suggestions may have brought temporary relief, while others produced no results at all. Despite the alternative treatment options you may have tried in the past, the only medically recommended and reliable cure is to seek minimally-invasive, non-surgical treatment offered at Vein Treatment Clinic New York. Click HERE to book an appointment at our excellent vein center, or keep reading to learn more about spider veins and what treatment options are out there.

There are so many different tips and tricks on the internet for getting rid of spider veins on your legs, so we talk through 10 of the most common remedies and explain why you should seek vein treatment at a reputable vein clinic instead.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has increased in popularity as a “cure-all” solution for everything from digestion to hair care, so it’s no surprise that some sources recommend using it to treat spider veins. There is no verified evidence to suggest that apple cider vinegar can treat spider veins, whether by soaking gauze in the vinegar and wrapping it around the veins or by ingesting it.

2. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a yellow-flowered plant that is supposed to reduce inflammation or soothe irritated skin, both of which are indications of spider veins and varicose veins, particularly as veins bulge and weaken the skin above them. However, witch hazel does not address the underlying cause of venous insufficiency, so it is at best a temporary remedy.

3. Essential Oils

Essential oils are extracted or distilled from plants, and have the scent, flavor, or other qualities of that plant. Some essential oils that are known to reduce inflammation can help relieve some of the pain associated with spider veins, but this is a short-lived impact that may be due to the placebo effect. They can occasionally cause more harm than benefit because essential oils in high concentrations might trigger allergic reactions due to their potency.

4. Horse Chestnut Seed

Horse chestnut seed is a dietary supplement that includes a chemical that works similarly to a blood thinner and is occasionally prescribed for chronic venous insufficiency. It is not a stand-alone treatment and cannot treat spider veins, but when it is combined with a minimally invasive vein treatment at a vein center, it may aid in the healing process of venous ulcers.

5. Compression Stockings

Compression socks increase blood circulation by exerting pressure to the ankles and feet, pushing blood towards the heart. They are a temporary solution that cannot treat spider veins permanently because they are only effective while worn, and can only alleviate some of the symptoms and pain. Some compression stockings are available over-the-counter, but to avoid harm, you should have them professionally fitted by a vein specialist.

6. Diet

Consuming a range of fresh fruits and veggies guarantees that your body receives all of the necessary nutrients. Most green vegetables and fruits are also abundant in fiber, which improves bowel movement and can help you prevent constipation, which can increase vein pressure. Additionally, limiting salty foods in your diet while staying hydrated to help your body flush out extra salts can lower blood pressure in your vein walls, thus preventing vein disease from progressing.

7. Keeping Legs Elevated

Spider and varicose veins are caused by venous insufficiency, which happens when blood flows in the opposite direction of the heart and accumulates around the veins in the legs, causing them to bulge. To counteract this, lift your legs and allow gravity to assist blood flow back to your heart. Simply propping up your legs after a long day of standing on your feet can improve blood circulation, minimize swelling in the legs, and reduce blood collection in your veins.

8. Massage

Massages are not only highly relaxing, but they can also help enhance blood circulation. Although modest pressure on your lower limbs can relieve some of the pain and discomfort caused by spider and varicose veins, direct pressure on the veins can cause harm because the skin in that area is particularly sensitive and fragile.

9. Exercise

Get your heart pumping if you have venous insufficiency! Aerobic activity that raises your heart rate can improve blood circulation in the legs and drive stored blood from the veins back into its usual flow channel. Walking, running, or jogging can also work your calf muscles, which can improve your blood circulation. Don’t forget to stretch before and after to protect your muscles and increase blood circulation.

10. Non-Restrictive Clothing

You may not have considered your wardrobe to be a part of your health, but if you have spider veins or varicose veins, loose, flowy, and non-restrictive clothes that facilitate blood circulation are far superior to tight, form-fitting ones. Flat shoes, rather than high heels, reduce increased blood flow and pooling in the foot.

Treatment Options

All of the ways discussed above can temporarily relieve pain and discomfort caused by spider and varicose veins, but the only way to treat vein disease permanently is to seek vein therapy from a vein doctor at a vein treatment clinic.

Sclerotherapy is a commonly used method for treating visible spider veins. The vein doctor injects medicine (sclerosant) using tiny needles to improve the appearance of spider veins in just one month.

To target the deeper veins that may be the root cause of the spider veins and varicose veins you may be experiencing, the vein doctor may recommend VenaSeal, radiofrequency ablation, or varithena. These are all used in different cases to target the saphenous veins that cause varicose veins. VenaSeal is a vein adhesive that is used to shut the saphenous vein in the leg, which is the source of varicose veins. Radiofrequency ablation uses heat radiation that is completely safe to seal down the injured vein’s walls. Varithena is a sclerotherapy foam that is injected directly into the vein to reduce varicose vein symptoms and size. All of these treatment methods are painless, take less than a half-hour, and do not require anesthetic or recovery time.

Where can I seek vein treatment in NYC?

If you have spider veins or varicose veins and have tried many remedies to try to fix them without seeing promising results, it is time to set up an appointment with a vein specialist in venous medicine to minimize damage to the veins and prevent further problems down the road. Book your appointment at the Vein Treatment Center New York in Manhattan or Long Island and go into your appointment at a vein center in New York feeling more prepared and informed about your treatment plan!

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